Tuesday, September 24, 2013

thankful for pinterest

There are things that I had never thought of doing myself until pinterest came along and then at first that didn't even make me really want to do them. But you can only pin things for so long before you actually need to start doing them or else let’s face it, you have become a hoarder it’s just with lists ;)
One of the best things on so many levels is making our laundry soap. I have no idea why I never thought to do this until stumbling across recipes on pinterest because not only is it easy but it’s so, so, so cheap. The last batch of it I made was on March 10th and we just used the last of it September 19th. This is doing laundry for a family of 6. I just made a new batch the other day but I changed up the recipe a bit. This time I decided to add the fabric softener straight into the soap mixture so that’s gonna stretch it by a good bit plus it gives us the nice smell and the soft feel without having to remember to buy more if we run out, or don’t think to put it in. The whole family, really just the adults, we were kind of leery of it at first but figured what does it hurt to try it. We try it, we don’t like it then we go back to buying detergent. Luckily though for us we all love it, and we really, really love the fact that it’s so cheap and it lasts so long.

        Another thing to add to the list of amazing things I wish I started making sooner are taco seasoning and cream of anything soup mix. OH.EM.GEE
The taco seasoning smells so much better than the premade stuff from the store plus it doesn't have all that junk in it to make it last. It’s just spices who would have thought. As far as cream of mushroom soup or cream of chicken soup or cream of whatever soup I just use one mix for all of those items. Once again super, super cheap and not all that junk that we don’t really know what it is mixed in it. 

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