Saturday, January 4, 2014


My family had a very great Christmas & I’m so thankful for all the blessing we have. We also have had a great start to the New Year. We started our new year off in a way that I wouldn't have ever thought. If you had asked me just a few years ago if I ever thought my kids & I would be spending New Years Eve with my dad I would have told you that you were out of your mind. If you told me years ago my dad would even be staying with us for a few days on Christmas break, once again I would have reminded you how absolutely crazy you were. But both of these things happened and I’m so thankful.  My kids are still very young so they will never really know that their mommy & papa only really just started having a relationship. When they are older and things come up in their lives that make them ask any types of questions about it I’ll be more than happy to answer. But as for now, they have their papa and they couldn't be happier. I have a dad & although it’s a bit weird still to think sometimes, it’s nice.
We had a great new year’s eve. The kids stayed up till midnight. Well I guess not everyone. X fell asleep about 3 minutes before the ball dropped. We did an activity every hour and they loved it as did mommy. After such a long night we all slept in like crazy on January 1st. so when I woke up at like 11:15 I figured what better way to start the new year than with a big ol’ brunch. I cooked breakfast while I let everyone just kinda wake up on their own. My mom even came over both times. It was pretty cool for the kids I think to have their papa, their gramma, and their nana all here. (although, both the kids kept asking why their granny couldn't come visit with their papa)
all in all it’s been a pretty good start to 2014 and I just hope it continues.

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