Saturday, December 24, 2011

is it here yet?

no internet for almost a month and i am still alive so i guess it is possible to live without it :)
my kiddos are super excited for Christmas. Serenity is sooo excited to go to church in the morning on Jesus' birthday. We have such a busy day today & tomorrow still. Today we are going to make a few Christmas crafts & then bake some cookies. And Serenity has reminded me over & over that we can't forget to leave Santa milk with his cookies. She doesn't know yet but we are also going to make a cake. a birthday cake that is :)
Tomorrow is going to be movement non stop. We will open our presents here at home, then meet the family at waffle house at 9am for our traditional breakfast meal. from there we will go to church at 11 then off to the nana's house. we will open gifts there & then eat. after letting the food settle & relaxing a bit we will probably eat again then pack it up to head home. nope that's not quite right, we will pack it up & head to grandma's house to open presents there then try to figure out how to add all of them to all the others from nana's house into the trunk.

Serenity is soooo happy that she is not only going to church tomorrow but that she gets to sit with all the big people in grown up church :) she even invited grandma, nana & mariah to go with  us. I am so happy my daughter loves church so much and that now when she tells stories she always has stories about her & her "friends" b/c her not being in daycare & not living near any of our friends with kids her age going to church gives her kids her age to hang out with.
I too am so excited about having church in the morning. I personally don't understand churches who don't have a service tomorrow because it's Christmas. to me, it's even more of a reason to have it. We go every Sunday to worship God & to give our praise to Jesus but yet let's skip actually worshiping him with our church family on December 25th?? why so we can spend time at home with our family? how about you spend that time with your family at church. or is it so you can have time to open all those gifts from santa & not be rushed to get ready for church?? because opening presents is of course way more important than celebrating the birth of our Lord. but hey it's just my opinion.
Have a very Merry CHRISTmas everyone.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thankful Challenge

November is usually the start of the thankful challenge. You'll see it all over facebook. people will start it and pretty much be on it every day for the first week but then it will fade out until it gets a little closer to Thanksgiving. I'm going to try my best not to do that.I am also going to change the date of the post every day to keep it from getting lost :)

November 1st- God's Mercy. No matter how bad I may screw up from time to time that doesn't change his love for me

November 2nd- My husband. He may have bad days & we may have bad days together but he provides for his family the best he can.

November 3rd- Serenity & Xavier. Although some days they drive me batty, I have to remind myself they will only be this age once & at the end of the day if I didn't have them I'd be driving myself batty.

November 4th- My Church. It's great to be able to find a church that feels like home :)

November 5th- My Parents. Though neither of them did a perfect job that's to be expected since they are not perfect. They did what they thought was their best and it made me who I was. even if it took me years to realize that who I was was who I made myself be because I used my parents as an excuse. If they had raised me differently or given me a different life than what I had I can be pretty certain I wouldn't have Nov 2nd & 3rd listed as what they are.

November 6th- My Mother in Law. even though it took 10.5 years of her being that before I was able to call her mom I'm glad to know that when my life was going south she was there for me & my kiddos. I love her so much & I'm lucky to have her

November 7th-My siblings & cousins. There is nothing better than being able to grow up & play & talk with people who aren't just your family but your friends as well.

November 8th- My MM's. it's crazy how such a random group of strangers can become such great friends. My may mommies know so much about me & have been there for me through not only raising Serenity (my may baby) but with Xavier as well. they have been there for me being my support, being my courage, being my faith through what has been one of the worst times in my life & even though I've only meet a few of them in real life I feel like I've known all of them my whole life.

November 9th-My Friends.The real ones. The ones that are there for me no matter what. The ones that don't tell me just what I want to hear for fear of losing the friendship. The ones who are willing to lose that friendship by telling me the truth b/c that's the type of friend that makes you true. The ones that you can pick up right from where you left of years ago b/c you are having a bad day and the last things you ever said to each other were hurtful things. The ones that are willing to step away from you b/c they understand it's for the greater good of yourself. Life is not a popularity contest, Life is not about having 20 friends that might come around when you really need them. Life is about those 2 or 3 true ones that risk losing you b/c you really need them to.

November 10th- I've never been homeless. although I haven't always lived in places that were my "own" I've always had a place to stay.

November 11th- Being fat (aka, having food). an odd thing to be thankful for (and not something I want to go back to) but it meant that no matter what I was going through I always had food to eat & never had to starve.

November 12th- waking up every day. even on days where it may be to early for my liking at least I'm still waking up

November 13th-coupons. I think that says it all

November 14th - my car. it sure beats having to walk somewhere when it's 30* or 100* out

November 15th-date nights. as much as i love my kiddos it's good to have those occasions where skip & i can just go out &  spend some quality time together

November 16th-sleeping in. although it doesn't happen often it sure is nice when it does

November 17th-Black Friday shopping. even if I don't need many things I love the rush of getting out there for just that 1 deal.

November 18th- finding family you never thought you would be able to know

November 19th- nyquil, pepto,kids cough & cold medicine. all these wonderful things that are way cheaper than a dr's visit

November 20th- the park. what a better way to entertain the kids and for free :)

November 21st-blogs that help me save money

November 22nd-a husband that loves to cook

November 23rd-self checkout lines

November 24th-the times I get to see & spend with my grandpa

November 25th-being in the right place at the right time. especially when something tragic is happening in someones life & you are there to be a support even if those people are strangers

November 26th- naps. whether the kids are taking them or I am either way I love them

November 27th- lazy days. even when your house is such a mess it's unrecognizable some times lazy do nothing days are just worth it

November 28th- cooking with friends

November 29th-babysitters :)

November 30th-my daughters love for church. she asks every day if it's a church day & the times I tell her it is she gets SOOOOO excited

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

what's yours?

it's that wonderful time of the year where the baking is about to begin. what is your favorite holiday dessert or cookie? I love a good peanut blossom or even some awesome no bakes. I can't stand letting the holidays go by without a homemade apple pie. but my all time favorite has to be snickerdoodles. I could make a few dozen & sit & eat them all :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guess I'm a good mom after all

swedish proverb

oh how I wish we all listened to things such as this.............

“Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

bucket list

Do you have a bucket list? Was there something specific that happened in you life to make you create it? Are you actually checking things off of it?
I've always wanted a bucket list but for some reason never made one. It wasn't until my life got turned upside down this summer that I decided I was actually going to start making one. I've decided to put it on here that way if I have an idea that you've never thought of maybe it could trigger a new adventure for you. Plus you can see how "crazy" I am with some of my ideas & also what I actually accomplish. Some of my ideas were also acquired by looking at other "lists".
these are not in any specific order just as they became thoughts I jotted them down and the list is still in progress as well

1.Sky dive
2.Be an extra in a movie/tv show
3.Take my kids to disney world
4.Visit every state & do something touristy
5.Have my picture taken in a Pinup/Boudoir fashion
6.Travel Italy
7.Learn how to crochet
8.Put rag curls in Serenity's hair
9.Put rag curls in my granddaughter's hair (like my grandma did for me)
10.Quit smoking (again)
11.Hit the 145 mark on the scale
12.Watch my children graduate high school
13.Watch my children graduate college
14.Watch my children get married
15.Travel to Ireland
16.Fly first class
17.Celebrate new year's in times square
18.Go on a cruise as a family
19.Go on a cruise with just myself & Skip
20.Travel to Scotland
21.Try to learn to surf
22.Ride in a hot air balloon
23.Travel to Austrailia
24.Go white water rafting
25.Ride in a helicopter
26.Go parasailing
27.Swim with dolphins
28.Travel to Egypt
29.Go snorkleing
30.Go scuba diving
31.Travel to India
32.Sing karaoke in a public place
33.Travel to Greece
34.Travel to Sweden
35.Learn how to waltz
36.Ride a mechanical bull
37.Go to Oktoberfest in Germany
38.Celebrate mardi gras in New Orleans
39.See mount rushmore
40.Learn how to play chess
41.Learn how to cha cha
42.Live near the beach
43.straddle the equator


started watching E.T. with Serenity last night and we fell asleep. first thing she asked this morning, "mommy, can we finish watching that alien movie now?"

Monday, November 7, 2011

time to wrap

some people are already putting up Christmas decor, some people are shopping, some are even putting up their trees. so that would also mean some people are already wrapping presents??
well if we are talking about me then that means yes. I've started the wrapping process today :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

little momma

as i sit and print coupons i over hear Serenity having a conversation with one of her babies.

"oh my, you can't do this. you can't just pee & poop a hundred million times. you are really stressing me out."

she then proceeded to take her baby downstairs. not sure if she's going to change her or put her to bed. that stressed out momma might need a day off. I guess I could be a good grandma & ask her if she wants me to watch her for a while :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Little Photographer

Can we guess what a certain little girl will be getting for Christmas :)

writing companies

I've always said I was going to email different companies to let them know how much I like their products. Of course my main reason behind this isn't just so they will know how much we like the products but in the hopes of getting some coupons :)
I have been compiling a list for a few days now & have started the emailing process. although it may be a dorky thing to be excited about i'm still excited :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

tough year

It's been a tough year & for months now I've been dreading Christmas. But things are slowly getting better. I mean of course we still have every day issues. Kids being kids, bills needing paid but overall I am actually feeling like I can put that all to the side & I'm excited for the Holidays. Starting with that big ol' fat fried turkey on Thanksgiving of course followed by an awesome day of Black Friday shopping.
Then moving onto Christmas. Only have a couple more things to get Serenity & already know what type of presents will be loaded under the tree for the boy this year. Lets just say that Hot Wheels is gonna make a killing off of us this year. LOL

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Our sweet cowgirl
our mighty boxer

i LOVE halloween. love the haunted houses, love the costumes,love the trick or treating,love passing out candy, love the jack o lanterns. i LOVE it all. this year though was kinda blah. took forever to figure out what Xavier was going to be. Then we took the kids out for a while the other night to some local businesses, Serenity didn't want to say trick or treat & she was freezing and Xavier wanted to just run. Fast forward to halloween night & Serenity is sick. runny nose and a horrible cough. didn't even get around to carving the pumpkins. then to top it off Skip went to the store about about 5 after 6 to get some candy for trick or treaters since we would now be home with sick kiddos & we had 2 kids all night (and they were the neighbors grandkids) Serenity was more bummed about not getting to hand out candy than she was about not going trick or treating. but overall it was nice to spend some quality family time snuggling on the couch :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011


ahhh, how I love coupons :)
dinner last night was brought to us by
hardees (2 steakhouse burgers,small onion ring,chicken filet sandwich,small fry,small drink)
little caesars (cheese pizza)
dairy queen (2 dilly bars & 2 ice cream sandwiches)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ohio trip

My sister & I took our kids to truck night at yankee lake & they had a BLAST!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

going "home" is finally just a vacation

When you live some where for so long & then you go back to visit, can you really call that a vacation?
every time I go to ohio I say we are going home for a visit, never that I'm going on vacation but this time it kinda felt a little like a vacation. I guess the biggest reason for this was it didn't have that feeling that it was "home" like it used to. have I finally been away to long? has Orwell actually no longer become my home? either way we had a nice visit

Monday, October 10, 2011

75 days.......

until Christmas that is. where oh where does the time go? I've decided this year with all the changes being made in my life that Christmas will be different as well. We didn't have much growing up but my mom made sure to do everything she could to make up for that at Christmas time. We've always made sure to buy Serenity & Xavier everything we would think they want. (whether it be for Christmas or their birthday) Serenity is just now getting at the age where she sees things she wants & says "I'm gonna put this on my list for Santa." So why in the world did we think we had to go so overboard before when half way through unwrapping she gets bored anyway. I set a price limit for them every year but Skip or I always find that one more thing we think they just have to have. well if Serenity had $30 more spent on her then it's only fair that Xavier does as well. and the cycle starts where their limit just keeps going up & up & up & up. Not this year.

now time for a story in a story.......               

                                   A couple weeks back we were stopped at a gas station. Skip called me and said can you buy 2 sandwiches, a bottle of water, and a bag of dog food. I was a tad confused but I said ok and bought it. as the cashier was ringing me out I remembered seeing a man with a dog sitting next to the building when we pulled in. I brought the things to the car gave them to Skip & he proceeded to give them to the guy. I picked up Serenity showed her the puppy & then when we got back in the car explained exactly what was going on. I told her that the man was having a rough time & didn't have any money to buy any food for him or his puppy. I told her that he  had told daddy he would feed his dog before he worried about feeding himself. I told her that even when we have bad days God is still always looking out for us & he will always take care of us and that when we can we like to help other people. She just smiled and said ok. Not many days after that she asked me one day if the man & his puppy were gonna be ok. I told her I was sure they would be and re-explained again how we like to help people whenever we can because it's a very nice thing to do and told her that at Christmas time we like to help people and asked her if she thought that was a good idea. She very excitedly said YES, YES,YES.

so back to our Christmas. Skip & I used to get the "angels" off the tree at walmart, then other years we would do toys for tots. those are always a bit of a gamble though. I mean I would truly hope that those toys actually went to where they needed to or that those "angels" really didn't have anything for Christmas. But sadly in today's world there is no guarantee of that. Last year my mom had the good idea of getting in touch with a local children's home. I called and found out what info I needed & stayed in contact with a woman on how to get Christmas gifts for 7 or 8 boys ranging in age from preteen to late teen. we opted to go with the boys home because we were informed by the woman that sadly people are always wanting to buy for the girls. I would assume that's because girls are generally a lot more "fun" to buy for.based on this we were dead set that we wanted to buy for the boys more than ever now. So, with the new way we are learning to live our lives it only makes sense to teach my children that you get such a better feeling in your heart when you give even something small instead of always having to receive big

Friday, September 23, 2011

Message from God

so when I checked my business page on facebook today I did my daily message from God. It's crazy how on spot these things are on some days. and I am completely forgiving myself along with so many others and for once in my life I am actually starting to realize how many years ago I should have done this. but you live and you learn and as bad as some spots have been in my life I wouldn't change anything about it because it wouldn't have helped me become who I am now & it wouldn't have given me my wonderful children. 

that it is time to finally forgive yourself.
Message from God
You've carried the guilt, the shame for long enough. You've kept your wounds open for long enough. The time has come to let go, to heal. Keep the lessons and let the pain heal. Yes, you know what we are talking about.


an elevator ride down a floor = scary for me
2 doughnuts & a milk for the kids = $3.52
keeping the kids quiet while in the ICU waiting room = priceless 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


When you look at the clock & it says 530am then you proceed to look at your dog and ask him "really, you really need to go out now?" so I get up, put on a sweatshirt (because let's face it, 530am I'm gonna be cold outside whether it is or not) walk into the living room & see my 3 year old wide awake staring at the tv. "HI MOMMY!! YOU SEE I'M WIDE AWAKE!!" yes baby I do see that but lets not scream because Xavier is still sleeping and I would like it to stay that way. so the dog goes out & I make the crazy suggestion of going back to bed with me so we can get some more sleep. "Let's go to the pantry momma."
so off to the pantry we go. can I have this, no it's way to early for candy. you can have a lemon mini muffin or some little doughnuts.(I know what the heck is the difference in just feeding her tootsie rolls at quarter to six in the morning) then mommy gets the genius idea to say or we could make blueberry muffins. and of course what does she opt for, yep not even 6am & we are making muffins. and as i started kicking myself in the butt for even making the suggestion so early in the morning I stopped & thought this is actually pretty nice. Some mommy & baby girl  big kid time. just the 2 of us making muffins. no interruptions from the little man, no interruptions from her being to big or to cool to bake with her mommy,no interruptions with having to rush out the door to get some where. so as much as I thought I would have rather went back to bed I am quite happy I gave her the option to make muffins instead.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fable of the Hedgehog

It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The hedgehogs, realizing the situation, decided to group together. This way, they covered and protected themselves; but, the quills of each one wounded their closest companions even though they gave off heat to each other. 
After awhile, they decided to distance themselves one from the other and they began to die, alone and frozen.So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth.Wisely, they decided to go back to being together.This way they learned to live with the little wounds that were caused by the close relationship with their companion, but the most important part of it, was the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive. Therefore: The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but the best is when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire the other person's good qualities.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

cuteness from today

I was explaining to Serenity yesterday about going to yankee lake while in ohio. Well she says to me today, "oh no mom. we forgot to go watch the trains play in the mud with aunt heaven!"
at least she got the part about aunt heaven being there & the mud right :)

Car ride home from nana's tonight (it's about 930ish) Serenity puts her window down
me: Serenity put your window up. it's to late to have it down.
serenity: but mom you know I like to have my window down to see stuff.
me: but it's to dark you can't see anything anyway.
serenity:but it's ok to have it down mom. I'm buckled up I'm not gonna blow out the window or anything

what do you say to that? all i could say was ok baby, just be careful :)

Serenity made a HUGE wishlist for santa today while at her new favorite store. everything she saw she said I'm gonna tell santa I want this, and this and this and this and this and ........
you get the idea. I would say santa will be doing some shopping at horsetown

hello blog,goodbye facebook

It's been on my mind for a while to get rid of my facebook account but I haven't because then how do all of our family & friends stay up to date with pictures and stories of the kids. I've thrown around the idea of a blog but that's all I've done is throw it around. well today is the day that the first step is taken. This is the blog & the facebook page will shortly become no longer. I will still have my business page there so please be sure to like it :) and if you need to reach me I still have a cellphone & an email address.
pure romance by starr