Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thankful Challenge

November is usually the start of the thankful challenge. You'll see it all over facebook. people will start it and pretty much be on it every day for the first week but then it will fade out until it gets a little closer to Thanksgiving. I'm going to try my best not to do that.I am also going to change the date of the post every day to keep it from getting lost :)

November 1st- God's Mercy. No matter how bad I may screw up from time to time that doesn't change his love for me

November 2nd- My husband. He may have bad days & we may have bad days together but he provides for his family the best he can.

November 3rd- Serenity & Xavier. Although some days they drive me batty, I have to remind myself they will only be this age once & at the end of the day if I didn't have them I'd be driving myself batty.

November 4th- My Church. It's great to be able to find a church that feels like home :)

November 5th- My Parents. Though neither of them did a perfect job that's to be expected since they are not perfect. They did what they thought was their best and it made me who I was. even if it took me years to realize that who I was was who I made myself be because I used my parents as an excuse. If they had raised me differently or given me a different life than what I had I can be pretty certain I wouldn't have Nov 2nd & 3rd listed as what they are.

November 6th- My Mother in Law. even though it took 10.5 years of her being that before I was able to call her mom I'm glad to know that when my life was going south she was there for me & my kiddos. I love her so much & I'm lucky to have her

November 7th-My siblings & cousins. There is nothing better than being able to grow up & play & talk with people who aren't just your family but your friends as well.

November 8th- My MM's. it's crazy how such a random group of strangers can become such great friends. My may mommies know so much about me & have been there for me through not only raising Serenity (my may baby) but with Xavier as well. they have been there for me being my support, being my courage, being my faith through what has been one of the worst times in my life & even though I've only meet a few of them in real life I feel like I've known all of them my whole life.

November 9th-My Friends.The real ones. The ones that are there for me no matter what. The ones that don't tell me just what I want to hear for fear of losing the friendship. The ones who are willing to lose that friendship by telling me the truth b/c that's the type of friend that makes you true. The ones that you can pick up right from where you left of years ago b/c you are having a bad day and the last things you ever said to each other were hurtful things. The ones that are willing to step away from you b/c they understand it's for the greater good of yourself. Life is not a popularity contest, Life is not about having 20 friends that might come around when you really need them. Life is about those 2 or 3 true ones that risk losing you b/c you really need them to.

November 10th- I've never been homeless. although I haven't always lived in places that were my "own" I've always had a place to stay.

November 11th- Being fat (aka, having food). an odd thing to be thankful for (and not something I want to go back to) but it meant that no matter what I was going through I always had food to eat & never had to starve.

November 12th- waking up every day. even on days where it may be to early for my liking at least I'm still waking up

November 13th-coupons. I think that says it all

November 14th - my car. it sure beats having to walk somewhere when it's 30* or 100* out

November 15th-date nights. as much as i love my kiddos it's good to have those occasions where skip & i can just go out &  spend some quality time together

November 16th-sleeping in. although it doesn't happen often it sure is nice when it does

November 17th-Black Friday shopping. even if I don't need many things I love the rush of getting out there for just that 1 deal.

November 18th- finding family you never thought you would be able to know

November 19th- nyquil, pepto,kids cough & cold medicine. all these wonderful things that are way cheaper than a dr's visit

November 20th- the park. what a better way to entertain the kids and for free :)

November 21st-blogs that help me save money

November 22nd-a husband that loves to cook

November 23rd-self checkout lines

November 24th-the times I get to see & spend with my grandpa

November 25th-being in the right place at the right time. especially when something tragic is happening in someones life & you are there to be a support even if those people are strangers

November 26th- naps. whether the kids are taking them or I am either way I love them

November 27th- lazy days. even when your house is such a mess it's unrecognizable some times lazy do nothing days are just worth it

November 28th- cooking with friends

November 29th-babysitters :)

November 30th-my daughters love for church. she asks every day if it's a church day & the times I tell her it is she gets SOOOOO excited

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