Wednesday, November 2, 2011

tough year

It's been a tough year & for months now I've been dreading Christmas. But things are slowly getting better. I mean of course we still have every day issues. Kids being kids, bills needing paid but overall I am actually feeling like I can put that all to the side & I'm excited for the Holidays. Starting with that big ol' fat fried turkey on Thanksgiving of course followed by an awesome day of Black Friday shopping.
Then moving onto Christmas. Only have a couple more things to get Serenity & already know what type of presents will be loaded under the tree for the boy this year. Lets just say that Hot Wheels is gonna make a killing off of us this year. LOL


  1. Emily is wanting a little of everything but when it comes down to it Horses still trump everything else. With Ashley it's baby dolls and girly stuff lol...

  2. Serenity isn't really into "girly" things
    horses are still amazing as always but she's at that age where every commercial that is on I hear... "oh I want that for Christmas."
