Tuesday, September 20, 2011


When you look at the clock & it says 530am then you proceed to look at your dog and ask him "really, you really need to go out now?" so I get up, put on a sweatshirt (because let's face it, 530am I'm gonna be cold outside whether it is or not) walk into the living room & see my 3 year old wide awake staring at the tv. "HI MOMMY!! YOU SEE I'M WIDE AWAKE!!" yes baby I do see that but lets not scream because Xavier is still sleeping and I would like it to stay that way. so the dog goes out & I make the crazy suggestion of going back to bed with me so we can get some more sleep. "Let's go to the pantry momma."
so off to the pantry we go. can I have this, no it's way to early for candy. you can have a lemon mini muffin or some little doughnuts.(I know what the heck is the difference in just feeding her tootsie rolls at quarter to six in the morning) then mommy gets the genius idea to say or we could make blueberry muffins. and of course what does she opt for, yep not even 6am & we are making muffins. and as i started kicking myself in the butt for even making the suggestion so early in the morning I stopped & thought this is actually pretty nice. Some mommy & baby girl  big kid time. just the 2 of us making muffins. no interruptions from the little man, no interruptions from her being to big or to cool to bake with her mommy,no interruptions with having to rush out the door to get some where. so as much as I thought I would have rather went back to bed I am quite happy I gave her the option to make muffins instead.

1 comment:

  1. I love my one on one time with my kids too!! I think you are an excellent mom and you are making lots of happy memories for you kids!!
