Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday

1.    Today I am thankful for quiet. It’s actually a bit of a struggle. My baby girl is on her 4th day of school and my little guy is getting himself some much needed grandma time. I’m used to so much noise and commotion in the house that it’s weird to hear nothing. But it’s nice to be able to make phone calls without hiding in a bathroom or closet.

2.   I’m thankful that Wal-Mart price matches. Kroger has milk on sale for 2 for $5 but Wal-Mart is closer. Wal-Mart wants over $4 for one gallon but for $1 more I can get 2 gallons.

3.   I’m thankful for direct deposit. That’s one less trip a week I have to make

4.   I’m thankful to the teachers at Pike Primary who have been so sweet to my crying baby girl the past 2 days I’ve dropped her off and that they have been trying to help mommy by reassuring me that as soon as I leave and she gets to class she will calm down and forget she was even crying.

5.   I’m thankful that my hubby started mowing the lawn after I left to take the girls to school because I was gonna help him out and do it when I got home (but I really didn’t want to)

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