Sunday, June 29, 2014

34 acts for 34 years

When you are a young child your birthday is all about the presents & the party. When you become a teen it's more about just the presents. When you become a young adult it starts to be more about the party again but a different kind. When you become the wife & the mom it's more of a stay at home & have dinner & maybe some cake. But when you become that daughter of a King it's about a whole different thing.
This year I didn't want much. I didn't want presents. I didn't want breakfast in bed or to be waited on all day. I didn't want to go away. I didn't want the material things that at the end of the day truly don't matter. Now don't think I'm completely crazy. I mean all of those things would be amazing. If my husband could have thrown me in a car & taken me to the beach for the weekend I wouldn't turn it down. If a friend brought a gift to my house I wouldn't throw it away. But at the end of the day those are just blessings that I would be lucky to receive & I know there are people out there that have it so much worse than I. While I dream of my husband having a job where his family gets to actually see him more than we don't I know there are wives out there that just pray their husband could get a job. While I dream of a beach get away I know others are dreaming of having an extra $5 to buy their child a birthday present.
This year I have been blessed to wake up & turn 34 years young & because of that I set out to do 34 acts of kindness today. I had to have a list b/c I couldn't think of 34 randomly while out especially with 2 children in tow but the list wasn't set in stone. Some of the things were dropped & some things just happened.
If you are a true friend of mine, like not just a facebook friend because our children go to school together, or because we attend the same church but like a friend that has watched me squirm in fear of stepping out of my comfort zone & by that I mean having to ask where the bread aisle is in the grocery store. I am crazy shy, I don't talk to strangers, people make me so nervous so I tried to do most of my things today without actually having to make contact with a person. Some of the things though just weren't going to happen without me having to open my mouth & talk with another human being. But I felt compelled to not only show others the love of Jesus but to show my kids so He helped me through it. I didn't get nervous one time while talking to anyone today. Did I feel silly at times, absolutely. Here is this crazy girl walking up to you saying hey it's my birthday would you mind if I gave you a gift? But I never had nerves once. Thank you Lord for making that happen. Here are my final 34 things....

  Pay for the meal behind me in the drive thru
Pay for someone’s gas
Leave money on a drink machine
Leave money on a toy machine
Give someone a gift card for the grocery store
Leave a book at the playground
Leave a coloring book at the playground
Leave money at the laundry mat
Leave detergent at the laundry mat
Leave money at the car wash
Attach $1 to a toy at the dollar tree
Attach $1 to a bag of candy at the dollar tree
Attach lotto tickets to gas pump
Buy flowers & give them to someone coming out of the store
Buy flowers & leave them at someone’s door
Leave a mom a note inside a changing table
Leave a note on a bathroom mirror
Attach a bag of popcorn on a redbox machine
Take food to the outreach center
Be courteous to other drivers (I have crazy road rage)
Left a kids CD on the window of a vehicle with a car seat
Gave a kids DVD to a woman & child walking out of a store
Left a coloring book in McDonald’s
Took another customers tray of food to them so they didn’t have to come back up to counter at Mcd’s
Take my mom lunch at work
Left sidewalk chalk in a mailbox of a home where children live
Buy my kids happy meals (this seriously never happens)
Went to my moms & washed her dishes & vacuumed
Send a card to a friend
Put all change I had on me in Ronald McDonald House box at McD’s
Adopted a soldier
Send gifts to friends kids
Gave a card to my hubby
Prayed with hands on my children as they sleep on the living room floor. Letting them be little but preparing for them to be grown.
The woman who I gave the flowers to at the store was one of the people I had to talk to today. after she finished loading her things I walked up to her & told her it was my birthday & wondered if I could give her the flowers I had in my hand. She looked at me as though I lost my mind & then said well hunny if it's your birthday why do you want to give me something. I told her it was just something I felt I needed to do because there is just to much ugly in the world. She then said well what if I kill them. LOL
I told her if she did that was between her & the flowers. She then told me that this was the sweetest thing & she would gladly take the flowers. She then gave me a hug & told me happy birthday . The kids were watching out the car window & were just as excited as I was. The kids drove me crazy off & on throughout the day but overall the day was amazing.

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you.
Deuteronomy 16:17

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