Thursday, March 13, 2014

The 7 Experiment

we have started a new woman's bible study at my church and if you ever have felt like you may not be in a close enough, real relationship with God then let me tell you how we are just barely into it & I can already feel the changes he is making in my life. Things just seem so much clearer & it's crazy because when you take a moment to think about it, suddenly it hits you..... He's been here the whole time waiting for this.
There is an amazing support team of great Godly women who are going through this study with me & I know that God put us all in this study at this time for a reason; it is just up to us to know what that reason is.  For me, I know for me it's as simple as helping me understand I'm not the only christian in the world to fall down, I'm not the only christian in the world to have bad days and most importantly I'm not the only christian in the world that thinks sometimes this thing called life is just way to hard. If you feel like checking it out, which I highly encourage, I've included a link to Jen Hatmaker's website where you can watch a little video that may just change your life for the better.  The 7 Experiment  

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