Monday, September 9, 2013

been quite some time

Where oh where did summer break go? It’s crazy to think that we have already been in school for a month.. The biggest factor I believe to summer break feeling like it went so fast was that it rained at least half of the time. We did get to do some fun things though. We had a couple great Friday evenings at Callaway Gardens to get some nice swimming in. We went to a couple new playgrounds. We had an awesome, awesome time at VBS.  We took an unexpected trip to Ohio and my nephew came down and stayed for a couple weeks. Overall it was a good summer just a really, really quick one.
      As we move into a new school year this means that our little bitty baby girl is now in kindergarten. Yes of course mommy cried it wasn’t as bad as pre-k last year. (Then I actually cried in the middle of the store as we bought her supplies) I was actually quite proud of all of us this year. The only tears that were shed were mine and they once again weren’t a lot.  Xavier did ok for about the first 2.5 hours that she was gone, but after that he was asking if we could go to the school and pick her up. When I told him that it wasn’t time yet he did get upset but he still never cried. By the second day he was pretty much over the fact that she wasn’t there. 
      As if school starting wasn’t crazy enough we’ve also added another item to our schedule. Skip got a job. It’s been a while since he has worked. He went to being a fulltime student and was getting unemployment but that stopped back in February. During this time we have lived off of some savings that we had and the help of Skip’s mom.  The only thing that made us even question if he should take the job was the fact that it’s 2nd shift. But we prayed about it and we feel that God lead him there even if it’s only for a temporary time while he finishes school.  It is going to be a little tough for Skip & Serenity because those are the 2 people that will see the least of each other. We sat down and explained it to her though and she seems to really understand that this is what the best thing for our family is right now. It’s a big adjustment for me as well because for the bedtime routine I’m back to being to that feeling of a single parent like when Skip drove over the road. But I too know that this will be the best thing for our family in the long run and that there is a reason he is where he is. Somehow this job will play into the big picture God has mapped out for us.
      I too am having a rough time adjusting back into this only Xavier & I time. Most days I just want him to play so I can get things done but then I remind myself of how much time I spent with Serenity with her “high school work” at least that’s what she called it when she was 3. Just simple things like shapes ,colors,  & numbers, but more than that it gives us that 1 on 1 time with each other and that’s what I feel is most important with it.
      Here’s to hoping I can get back into the swing of blogging while everyone is at school and work.

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