Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

mother's day is usually a great day for moms and usually a not so good day for women who wish they were moms. those of us with kids don't always think of how this could be such a gut wrenching holiday for those who for whatever reason don't have or can't have children. but just the same i think probably goes for the childless woman thinking that mom's not only get to have children but we also get to have this holiday where our children make us presents or our husbands spoil us. but that isn't always the case. for me, mother's day is still a little rough. In 2011 i experienced what was to me the worst mothers day in the world. something that i'm not completely healed from but slowly working on. a feeling that may honestly never completely go away but i'm trying. and on this mother's day there was finally a little proof that it may in fact get better and better yet. my awesome daughter brought me home the sweetest card from school. it had a flower pot on the front of it with 3 crafted flowers in it 1 of them with a picture of her on it. inside she had written happy mother's day. I love you. it made my heart melt. both the kids happily told me happy mother's day mama. then it was off to church for me and the kiddos while daddy stayed home to work on a project. when i picked Serenity up from children's church she had drawn a picture of me and also had a book mark with proverbs 31 on it. then when we got home from church we got into the car with daddy, nana, and mia and all went to lunch. when we got home skip went back to the shop to finish up on what at this point i was pretty certain was my gift and finally the kids called me out there to see the wind chime skip had made me. it's super big and super deep sounding chimes and it's what i call the perfect wind chime :) overall it was a pretty good mothers day especially in comparison to the past 2

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