Thursday, April 25, 2013

dress up closet pin completed

so when i came across this dress up closet pin on pinterest I was like oh we need this for all those dress up things we have and all the accessories that go along with it all. so i followed the link to the original pin to see if there were instructions on how to build it. I really liked the original pin but was thinking it was a bit big for the space we have so i was happy that when i went to the  original that it was a tad different and smaller which was perfect. Well needless to say it's one of those things that I pinned who knows how long ago and it was more of a yeah it would be nice to have it but probably never will. but then in one of my journeys to the goodwill I ran across an old microwave cabinet (well, that's what the tag said on it at the store so we will go with it) I called Skip in to come look at it. -He doesn't love the goodwill as much as i so he opted to stay in the car- I shared my idea with him and then sent it with him to the check out.  one of the wheels had been broken off and put back on so simply that it fell off again when Skip put it in the car so he put a new bottom on it and reattached on the wheels onto a much sturdier piece of wood.He also had to put the pieces in the bottom so the drawer could move in and out. You can see a difference b/c the top drawer had the original plastic pieces but there was nothing in the bottom so the drawer wouldn't work right so he fixed that. I loved the idea of having the drawers much better than the design I had found online just b/c this way there was a way to have each of the kids items separate and not just thrown in the bottom of the clothes. since i have 1 girl and 1 boy they have different accessories for their dress up clothes. she has a drawer full of purses,necklaces,& shoes while his is filled with swords,shields and such. This was what it looked like to start with. Just plain and brown and boring and a cabinet for your kitchen.(please ignore the beyond disorganized/messy/dirty shop)
home from the goodwill and the
wheel has been fixed
just a basic white prime coat over it

our awesome lime green color that just screams fun :)

You can see in the green picture that there are hangers hanging. since it was in theory just a microwave stand before it needed a bar to hang clothes from so Skip attached one of those as well and we didn't even have to buy it we made it. well kinda. about a month ago the top of our trampoline frame got smashed during a storm and had pieces bent up,if you didn't see it you can check it out here. so those bent up pieces were just gonna be trashed when I suggested hey can't you cut one to fit in this stand to hang the clothes up and voila he did it. He still has to put the finishing touches on it which are the handles for the 2 drawers but besides that here it is all nice and finished.

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