It is so easy in times of struggle to forget all the things you are blessed with. Things have been very difficult here and there for my family for many years. That all came to a head mother's day weekend of 2011 which lead to many changes in my life,the lives of my children and my husband's life. And with all the changes in our lives it changed the way our family worked. For the most part things have been working out better (as a whole) then they ever seemed to in the past. Now don't get me wrong,this by no means is to lead anyone to think that I think my life is perfect or that I'm pretending it is. It is quite the opposite. Skip went back to school part time while working,then became a full time student. He was getting unemployment so we were able to make it work, but then that stopped. now we are living off of savings and that's about done. Praying that God has it all handled though and that he'll let us in on that plan as soon as he can, LOL.
But even in the midst of lack of funds and the job hunting it's still a great thing to be thankful that God has provided us with some where to live. God has provided us with family that will help us financially until we can get back to normal. God has provided us with a church home that keeps our hearts & minds focused on him. God has provided us with the ability to send our daughter to free Pre-k where we have been blessed with 2 great teachers and she has started building great friendships. God has blessed us with so much and sometimes it's hard to see and remember all of the blessings when things are rough, but I am so thankful for everything he has done for me so far and every great thing that is yet to come.