Thursday, January 3, 2013

making myself crazy

I completely made myself crazy yesterday and i'm trying like heck to not let that happen again today. I don't exactly know why i'm so super nervous. Serenity had surgery on her eye of all things when she was just mere months old. somehow though the thought of both of my babies being put under and having surgery on the same day is really freaking me out. They will both be having their tonsils and adenoids removed but in addition to that Xavier will also be having tubes put in. They did a hearing test on him a while back and said that he has so much fluid in his ears that he has majority hearing loss :(
they have already warned us that he's ears will probably be super sensitive to everything no matter how quiet it sounds to us just b/c it will all be like brand new sounds to him. I'm just praying this makes them both feel better b/c i'm so tired of every time i turn around they are sick.
Serenity will be missing like the first week back to school after break but the only other option was to have it done only a couple days before Christmas and it's bad enough to have the surgery but to have had them sick on Christmas would have been the worst.
I thought and thought and thought about the surgery so much yesterday that i couldn't clean enough to get my mind off of it. then my super A.D.D. kicked in b/c i would start a cleaning project in one room and get distracted by another in a different room. now yes this does normally happen when i clean anyways but yesterday was 10x's worse which then stressed me out even more. i'm trying not to think about it as much today but it's super hard.
one of the many things to help me keep it off my mind is playing with these 2 rambunxious little monkeys of mine today. they keep bringing me animals to groom. Serenity has brought me a puppy that she named Carabell and a horse named Izzy. Xavier on the other hand, that little dude brought me a dinosaur named Bella. they are the most amazing kids i could have ever asked for and i'm so blessed every moment of every minute i get to spend with them.

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