Thursday, October 18, 2012

almost a month

i'm very happy to see that i have many of friends who feed the same line that i do. "ok, i'll do better with keeping up with my blog this time." i have many instances almost daily that i think, oh i need to write that down b/c it was super cute,super funny,super cool,super_____ (continue to add in all the different kinds of super things it could be) then i tell myself well i'll just blog about it later. later comes and daily life still has a hold of me and i either a.forget about it all together or b.tell myself yet another lie,"oh i'll be sure to do it tomorrow."
we are creeping up on a month since i last blogged and there have been so many of those super experiences that i wanted to share but don't you dare ask me what they are now b/c i don't even know everything that we had for dinner last night let alone what cute thing my 2 year old said 2.5 weeks ago.
what i do know though is that my house party went super,Serenity had fall break last week and we took a couple days to get away and took the kids to their very first ever fair,skip has had midterms this week and been slightly stressed with that,both of the kids have had strep throat, we went right past monday and i am pretty sure neither of us remembered that it was the anniversary of the day we meet 13 years ago, this coming sunday will be our anniversary of being married for 12 years and let's see if we remember that, we are having a kid halloween party here on the 27th and will be doing trunk or treat at our church on the 31st and that should wrap up our october.
then we will move into some field trips,some more break time from school,some more fall fun and of course black friday with a side of thanksgiving dinner :)

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