Wednesday, June 27, 2012

unexpected trip

We had a great night at VBS on monday. family style. We did somethings with the kids and then split off from them and went to a class for the adults on parenting. it was very good and very helpful information. We went again on Tuesday but sadly I couldn't sit through the whole class that night. i started feeling sick a few minutes in so i went to lay in the car until the kids were done with their class. now a few weeks ago I had this same type of pain, skip & i thought it was just a gas bubble from me snacking to late at night because when i woke up the next morning the pain was gone. well this time when i woke up on Wednesday the pain wasn't gone and was actually worse. I walked out to the kitchen and sat at the table as skip was looking my symptoms up on Web MD. from what we looked out it sounded like maybe my appendix. I was sitting in the chair and my MIL asked if i wanted her to take me to the hospital. skip and i said no, i would just go to the dr when they opened. right after that i moved from the chair to the middle of the kitchen floor and when i did that, she said ok i'm taking you to the hospital. Skip had school so i told him to go on b/c there was no reason in him going to the hospital and staring at the wall when he had a test. When we got to the ER they said it is my gall bladder. I went and had an ultrasound and they saw numerous gall stones. I went for an endoscope wednesday and they removed the bigger stones. thursday morning they did blood work but my pancreas was to irritated from the day before that he didn't want to go in and possibly give me pancreatitis. so i was told i could only have ice chips to eat. friday morning came and they did blood work again first thing in the morning, once again my numbers were too high to do surgery and once again i was limited to ice chips only. So now we move onto saturday morning and low & behold my numbers are still to high, but they are at least going down. the surgeon said that they are about 1/2 of what they were on thursday and today they were 700. they need to be down around 100 so he said that it will probably be monday before i get my gall bladder removed. and as long as the surgery goes well with no complication during or after i should be home monday night or Tuesday morning. 

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