Wednesday, June 27, 2012

unexpected trip

We had a great night at VBS on monday. family style. We did somethings with the kids and then split off from them and went to a class for the adults on parenting. it was very good and very helpful information. We went again on Tuesday but sadly I couldn't sit through the whole class that night. i started feeling sick a few minutes in so i went to lay in the car until the kids were done with their class. now a few weeks ago I had this same type of pain, skip & i thought it was just a gas bubble from me snacking to late at night because when i woke up the next morning the pain was gone. well this time when i woke up on Wednesday the pain wasn't gone and was actually worse. I walked out to the kitchen and sat at the table as skip was looking my symptoms up on Web MD. from what we looked out it sounded like maybe my appendix. I was sitting in the chair and my MIL asked if i wanted her to take me to the hospital. skip and i said no, i would just go to the dr when they opened. right after that i moved from the chair to the middle of the kitchen floor and when i did that, she said ok i'm taking you to the hospital. Skip had school so i told him to go on b/c there was no reason in him going to the hospital and staring at the wall when he had a test. When we got to the ER they said it is my gall bladder. I went and had an ultrasound and they saw numerous gall stones. I went for an endoscope wednesday and they removed the bigger stones. thursday morning they did blood work but my pancreas was to irritated from the day before that he didn't want to go in and possibly give me pancreatitis. so i was told i could only have ice chips to eat. friday morning came and they did blood work again first thing in the morning, once again my numbers were too high to do surgery and once again i was limited to ice chips only. So now we move onto saturday morning and low & behold my numbers are still to high, but they are at least going down. the surgeon said that they are about 1/2 of what they were on thursday and today they were 700. they need to be down around 100 so he said that it will probably be monday before i get my gall bladder removed. and as long as the surgery goes well with no complication during or after i should be home monday night or Tuesday morning. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

camp time

We are searching for a camper. Daddy is not a tent camper. Mommy could learn to be but can't do it by myself with just the kids. The kids are desperate to go camping. So we have begun our camper search. We do know that during the summer is not the best time to try to buy one and we would be better off once the season is over but that's why right now we are just searching and looking not buying. We spent Friday at a couple different lots looking at different ones. some we could afford and some we just looked at to dream. We had a nice family day out. Even the kids had a blast checking out all the different styles. Serenity would walk into one and say "it doesn't have bunk beds we can't get it."
after our camper searching adventures were over for the day we went to grab a bite to eat at a local wing place we had never been to before. wow, let me tell you that if you want some good wings, great taste and great size and you are ever in Zebulon,Georgia then head over to HJ Wings & Things

oh that girl

Serenity:(walks into the room holding her toe with the strap for the wii remote) Mommy the dr's told me to do this.
Me: uh, ok
Serenity: well mommy can you get me some gum because that will make my toe feel better.
Me: haha, ok I guess so

Thursday, June 14, 2012

check another one off the list

Daddy's father's day present 
Thursday's are our movie day for the summer. This week we enjoyed watching Chicken Run. As old as all of these free movies are, I honestly haven't seen half of them. Chicken Run falls into this category. It was a really cute movie and both of the kids did surprisingly well. I was about to pee myself a little scared at the thought of taking them on my own but we did alright. After the movie we went and grabbed a sandwich from subway and headed to the park. One of the things on our bucket list this summer was to go to a new to us park and that we did. I think by the end of summer though it won't be new any more because this will be where we spend time every Thursday after our movie.
After we left the park we ran to a few places, one of these being walmart. (We had to get something to put daddy's gift together for father's day) While walking up to the check out an older woman came up to the buggy and told me how beautiful my girls were. She asked me if they were twins.I kindly told her no they were not as Serenity not so kindly pointed at Xavier and said, "HE'S A BOY!"  the woman looked at Serenity & chuckled (as Xavier made a noise at Serenity) and said see she doesn't like it when you call her a boy. This conversation went on one more time between them then the lady finally walked off. Serenity was so frustrated and asked me why the lady didn't listen when she told her Xavier was a boy. I told her that some people just don't know him and think that he is a girl because of his hair. She just huffed.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

say cheese... or popcorn

One of the items on our summer bucket list is to go to the movies.
 Well last thursday was our first adventure at that and will continue 
to go as many Thursday's as we can this summer.
 Cinemark theaters has free/cheap movie,popcorn,drink deals 
and it's a great way to spend some time with the kiddos.
We saw Puss and Boots and both of the kids did really well.
This was Serenity's second time going to a theater but this was the little guys first time.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

great weekend

We have had a very good weekend. the first time in a long time i think the whole weekend was fun. Friday night we hung at with friends for a birthday party. Saturday Skip, his buddy david, and the kids went fishing. then we hung out playing cards with friends to round the end of saturday out. Today was a great service at church this morning. reminded once again that there are things in life you can worry about but do you really need to, will it make your life easier to worry about them? not really, let go and let God :)
after church, we went to eat and then did some goodwill shopping along with some dollar tree shopping for some craft items to make some things we gathered from pinterest.
oh my, have you heard of pinterest we are I am, obsessed with it. We have actually made quite a few things that i have found on there and tried a handful of recipes as well. If you haven't checked it out and you have a few free hours then go looking around. doesn't even have to be for anything particular because i can almost promise you that you will find at least one thing you think is awesome or that you will see and think, how did i never think to do that.

sunday lunch

We went to ryan's for lunch today after church and as we were sitting there eating Xavier just randomly pointed  to the seats to the back of us (like it's a separate room if you had a big group of people to go eat) and said
"That's where the cool cats eat."
I said is it really.
he responded once again, "yeah, that's where the cool cats eat."

Saturday, June 9, 2012

i will keep up

I will get better with keeping up with this blog i promise. i really, really, really do. I got away from facebook and wasn't doing to bad on this but then i got sucked back into the world of facebook again and started neglecting it. bad starr i know. but since i promise to do a better job at posting things, even if they are random posts or 2 sentences long. there is a spot at the bottom of the blog where you can enter your email address and you can actually get an update of when i post so you can read whatever boring thing i have written about for that day or see pictures i have posted ( i know that's all you are really looking for) some of you think about the blog as often as i do, some of you never think about it and some of you have asked me why i got so behind with it. well put your email address in and then you can all keep up with me keeping up :)

Pictures from March & April

getting ready to hunt eggs

xavier blocking the entrance b/c he
had to get those first eggs

hunting eggs the bunny hid

the boy found some eggs as well 

snuggling with mommy's old babies

having fun at the park 

mommy can play too

my beautiful babies 

slide fun

some little boy is 2

blues clues party 

she is getting way to big
way to quick

st patty's day fun with my sister heaven
and her boyfriend sean

these kiddos love the water

this was his favorite binky in the world 

inside his head

yesterday i was told 2 very interesting facts about myself from my 2 year old.
first off i'm not a girl. I'm a french fry.
secondly one day when i'm a grown up I'm gonna live with other grown ups in a box.
some days i would love to be inside that head of his

some pictures from May

hanging out looking at the clouds 

doing some fun things at his end of the season performance at gymnastics

somersault time 

congrats to my awesome kiddos 

first family vacation 

xavier feeding the sharks 

squishing a penny

getting ready to watch shamu and friends 

making octopus hot dogs

they had such a blast doing this 

ready to be cooked (we got this idea from pinterest)

skip being a kid again :)

Serenity turns 4
horse cake
Serenity with her friends Ashley and Shelby

this is when she saw the ponies being unloaded from the trailer 

she was in love

even big kids can have fun on the slide

first look at the ocean 

first look at the ocean

Friday, June 8, 2012

all caught up

Final bit of catch up & then I PROMISE i will be better at keeping up with this blog. LOL

  May was a very crazy, very busy month. we started it off with 2 big bangs by welcoming more babies into our lives. some of our dear friends both welcomed new bundles of joy into their families on the same day. Isaac came first and then less than an hour later Macy arrived.
the next big milestone to take place in may, Serenity turned 4. it's so hard to believe that she is 4 already. She is such a big kid. there is no baby left what so ever. well, unless you count the occasional whiny fit she throws. She is madly in love with horses so of course she picked a horse theme for her party. We also had a inflatable slide for the kids to play on. Then her nana (skip's mom) gave her the best surprise ever. pony rides at her party. she was so excited. she didn't want to ride at first but once she got on, she was on that thing for almost an hour :) she had a blast at her party and at the end of the day that's all that matters

   Both the kids take gymnastics. This is Serenity's second year & Xavier's first. They have both done amazing this year & got to show it off at their final day for the season. Serenity was a little nervous at first about getting out there (she doesn't like a bunch of people watching her & having the focus be on her) but she soon got over it and went out with her class and her brother. They were both so proud of their medals too.
  the next big thing in May was taking the kids to FL. we went for an extended weekend and took them to sea world and the beach. all three of these things (FL, sea world & the beach) were firsts for both my kiddos. they had a blast. Sea World has been brought up by my daughter for the past year. she talked all last summer about going and when we got taxes done this year skip & i agreed what better thing to do with some of that money was to take us all on our first family vacation. even if it was mini style :)
they were in love with all the animals there, the only time we had any issue was sitting in the splash zone. although they were watching everyone else get splashed i think the shock of it actually happening to them and the temperature of the water is what did not settle well. oh and the beach. I swear my boy could move there tomorrow & be in heaven. he just rolled all around in the sand giggling and carrying on the whole time.

   We ended may with a low key cookout on memorial day with some friends and got prepared for skip to start his next round of school. going full time now. trying his best to get it done as quick as he can.