Monday, May 14, 2012

playing catch least a little

Well, let's see what's been going on with us. Back in March our little man turned 2. TWO!!!!! it's so hard to believe. he was going through a blues clues phase so that's the party he wanted and that's what he got :)
He had a great party with great friends & family. He is growing so much on a daily basis and we are trying very hard to teach him how to be a gentleman. He takes a gymnastics class & I always tell him to let all the girls in his class have their turn first. He has then moved that to home life as well. He lets Serenity get snacks before he does & things like that and says to me, "girls go first mommy." one of those little things that makes me happy to know I just may be doing this mommy thing right :)
 Then mid march my sister & her boyfriend came down & they,along with my mom & I went to Savannah for St. Patrick's day. we had fun of course (I would have had more fun if skip had gotten to come, but work things kept him from that)
Moving onto April it's Easter time. we did the egg hunt at the rock ranch and we weren't to impressed. this was the second year we have felt let down with their hunt. so we decided that next year we will go back to just doing a hunt here with our family and friends. We did anther hunt with our church and another local church. It on the other hand was a blast. the kids had a great time & came home with bunches of eggs loaded with good candy.
What else did april bring? oh strawberries, lots & lots of strawberries. we made jam for this year & probably enough for next year too, but as much as we like it i'm sure next year won't see a bit of it. and one random day in the middle of the week, my awesome hubby brought me flowers for no other reason than loving me :)

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