Thursday, January 5, 2012

oh the things they say & do

Tuesday evening put us back in gym after our Christmas break. Xavier was good for about half his class & Serenity missed part of hers due to a melt down she had because she wanted to tell me she loved me before I went out with Xavier but didn't get a chance to. Xavier & I took a time out from his class to go talk to her & she said I love you & then went on to class. She always tells me different things she is going to tell Miss Mandi (her teacher) about or show her. Well she had wanted me to paint her nails a new color to show Miss Mandi but she napped & we ran out of time & didn't get to paint them, So I guess with no new nails to show her she decided to tell her about the calm down corner. Well, at least her 3 year old version of it. Mandi came up to me after class & said that Serenity has to sit in the corner for 100 minutes. LOL
I told Mandi I'm sure some days it feels like that to here because it does to me.

Yesterday I overheard Serenity playing in Xavier's room as I was cleaning the bathroom. I stood in the doorway of the bathroom to make sure I was hearing her right before asking. She was playing with her friends.  A little boy named Kimmie & a little girl named Immie. I asked her if I could meet them and she went to ask. She came back telling me yes but when she took me to where they were they had left. I told her maybe they were shy & not ready to meet her mommy just yet.

Xavier was just sitting here eating pretzels and counting them. well at least he was trying. it was 1,2. 1,2. 1, 2. but it was cute none the less

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