no internet for almost a month and i am still alive so i guess it is possible to live without it :)
my kiddos are super excited for Christmas. Serenity is sooo excited to go to church in the morning on Jesus' birthday. We have such a busy day today & tomorrow still. Today we are going to make a few Christmas crafts & then bake some cookies. And Serenity has reminded me over & over that we can't forget to leave Santa milk with his cookies. She doesn't know yet but we are also going to make a cake. a birthday cake that is :)
Tomorrow is going to be movement non stop. We will open our presents here at home, then meet the family at waffle house at 9am for our traditional breakfast meal. from there we will go to church at 11 then off to the nana's house. we will open gifts there & then eat. after letting the food settle & relaxing a bit we will probably eat again then pack it up to head home. nope that's not quite right, we will pack it up & head to grandma's house to open presents there then try to figure out how to add all of them to all the others from nana's house into the trunk.
Serenity is soooo happy that she is not only going to church tomorrow but that she gets to sit with all the big people in grown up church :) she even invited grandma, nana & mariah to go with us. I am so happy my daughter loves church so much and that now when she tells stories she always has stories about her & her "friends" b/c her not being in daycare & not living near any of our friends with kids her age going to church gives her kids her age to hang out with.
I too am so excited about having church in the morning. I personally don't understand churches who don't have a service tomorrow because it's Christmas. to me, it's even more of a reason to have it. We go every Sunday to worship God & to give our praise to Jesus but yet let's skip actually worshiping him with our church family on December 25th?? why so we can spend time at home with our family? how about you spend that time with your family at church. or is it so you can have time to open all those gifts from santa & not be rushed to get ready for church?? because opening presents is of course way more important than celebrating the birth of our Lord. but hey it's just my opinion.
Have a very Merry CHRISTmas everyone.